Suggestions and Comments
We are always grateful for any suggestions which may improve the efficient running of the practice. The reception staff will be pleased to record any suggestions made verbally, or to provide a form if you would prefer to write. We will also carry out Patient Satisfaction Surveys from time to time, and will be grateful if patients will participate in these when asked
We hope that most problems can be sorted out at the time they arise. However, if you feel you need to make a formal complaint, a copy of our Practice Complaints Procedure can be obtained from Reception or downloaded (here). Complaints should be addressed to Heather Rae (Practice Manager).
Other NHS Services
Sometimes patients are unhappy with the treatment they have received from other parts of the NHS. If you have had an issue with any treatment recieved within NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (but not directly from the practice) information on the Complaints Procedure can be found at NHS GG&C Complaints.