Practice Closure

The next public holiday is on Tuesday 25th December 2018. The surgery will be closed for two days. Please reorder any repeat medication in plenty of time to ensure you do not run out.

When the surgery is closed, remember you can call 111 at any time for medical advice.

Missed appointments

In June 2017 181 patients missed their appointments.

This wastes doctors time and prevents other patients from seeing the doctor.

If you are unable to attend, please phone to cancel your appointment as soon as possible to allow us to use the appointment.

If you would like to be able to cancel your appointments online please ask our Reception Team about registering for Patient Access.

Know Who To Turn To

Please see the useful link below for advice on making use of the wider NHS team.


Know Who To Turn To

Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to the new website for Dr. K. G. Hardie & Partners. This website should provide you with useful information about getting the most out of the medical services we offer and helping you keep up-to-date with practice news.